Creators & Innovators | David Perez
We caught up with Californian based photographer David Perez on his inspirations, training, and future goals.
Read the interview below.
Hi David, tell us a bit about yourself?
Hey, I am a 28 year old photographer and videographer based in San Diego California. I am originally from Miami Florida but have been living in California for about 2 years now. I am extremely passionate about the outdoors and everything adventure related. I recently found huge interest in running and exercise and it’s gotten me in a really good headspace.
You shoot mainly on film, why is this and where do you find inspiration for your work?
Yes I started shooting film about 4 years ago and immediately I fell in love with the process. I think that film really lets you be in the moment and capture moments in a very special way. The colors and tones that you receive with it are like nothing that can be replicated. I usually find inspiration everywhere, I love capturing everyday life, I think that’s what inspires me the most.
What are your favourite things to shoot and why?
I would have to say everyday life and anything related to the outdoors. I really enjoy shooting the road trips and adventures I go on with my friends.
Onto your training. How do you keep fit?
So I recently started running as well as doing strength and conditioning. I try to run at least 5 days a week and have really been pushing myself a lot lately. I can easily say I am in the best physical shape I have ever been in thanks to consistently running and working out.
Is there a specific reason why you train?
I would have to say just because of how good it makes me feel. I have been wanting to get into great shape for some time now and I feel I have finally achieved that. The reward I get after a long run or after a hard workout is what makes it all worth it for me.
Have you got any training goals or things you’re working towards?
My goal this year is to compete in at least four 5k runs and run a half marathon by the end of the year.
Favourite place for coffee or food in San Diego?
My absolute favourite thing to eat in San Diego would have to be poke from It’s Raw Poke in Ocean Beach.
Finally, if Torsa were to bring out one new item. What would you like to see?
I really love the Loki Performance Cap so I think maybe another cap would be great.
Explore more of David's work via his Instagram (@shotby.dp)